Ein kleiner Einblick in unser Repertoire.
Amen ***** Amazing Grace ***** All night, all days ***** Bless the Lord
Child in a manger ***** Danksagung ****** Das ist das Wunder ***** Down by the riverside
Euer Herz erschrecke nicht ***** Evening rise ***** Fil my cup ***** Frieden auf Erden
Faith of your father ***** Go down moses ***** Give me that old time religion
Halleluja von Cohen ***** Halleluja Salvation and Glory ***** Hail holy queen
I will follow him ***** Jesus on the mainline ***** Kumbayah * **** Lean on me
Look at the world ***** Michael, row the boat ashore ***** Move spirit move ***** Nobody knows
Oh happy day ***** Praise his holy name ***** Put your hands ***** Shine your light
Stay with me ***** The lighthouse ***** The rose ***** Unser Vater ***** Wade in the
Were you there ***** You raise me up ***** You are my all in all ***** 10.000 reasons